8 Tips for Uniting Your Body, Mind, and Soul

8 Tips for Uniting Your Body, Mind, and Soul Hello Gorgeous Soul, in today’s Article I’d like to talk about the unity of BMS (Body, mind and soul), so let’s start with few questions; do you know what it takes to unite your body, mind, and soul?  If you did, do you realize that you... Continue Reading →

11 Benefits of Reiki Treatments

11 Benefits of Reiki Treatments Hello Gorgeous Soul, in this article we will discuss the benefits of Reiki Treatments and the effects they have over our health, our life and our mind. There are many pleasing benefits of Reiki. Reiki is a very simple process, but usually produces quite deep effects. The main purpose of... Continue Reading →

Mastermind Coming Soon!

Learn from my 30+ years life experience. Leave you comments bellow of what could be that one thing you wish to change RIGHT NOW to make your life a better place to be! In this Mastermind Event we I will teach you how to overcome it, how to stop the toxic habits that lead you... Continue Reading →

9 Things to Know About Mindfulness

Hello Helloooo gorgeous! Welcome back my precious reader! So much we have heard about mindfulness, so I thought I'd do a quick list of some of the benefits and side effects of this practice. Let's get to it... 1. Mindfulness is not obscure, exotic, a sect or religion.  Mindfulness is a lifestyle, a way to... Continue Reading →

Why Practice Mindfulness?

Hello helloooo again Gorgeous!!! Before we jump into any type of practice, we need to understand the pros and cons of each practices. Keep yourself educated and well informed will not only make your life so much easier but also will allow you take the most accurate decision on a given time. So, let’s get... Continue Reading →

How to Practice Mindfulness?

Hello hellooo gorgeous!!! In this article we are going to talk about How to Practice Mindfulness. So, please make sure you check out my previous Article on What is exactly Mindfulness or Mindful? And how does it work? To keep on track without missing any valuable data. Let’s get to it! How to Practice Mindfulness?... Continue Reading →

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